Feel Whole Again

Make rapid trauma integration progress in a safe, 1:1 setting utilizing somatic inquiry.


It is worth clarifying the nature of this work.

My goal as a facilitator is to aid you in identifying the beliefs/conditioning/perceptual overlays that contributes to your suffering and work with them directly in a loving and curious way.

This is spiritual counseling / emotion work consulting. Although, spirituality may not be relevant to you - and that's totally okay.

This is not psychotherapy, psychiatry or any sort of medical intervention.

If you seek resolve to psychiatric illness, I do not deem it within my skill set to address this - in which case professional help would kindly be better suited to you.

If you are feeling apprehension to work together due to any sort of psychological challenges or otherwise, this is totally natural. Please feel free to reach out through my contact form to see if we can clarify any concerns or doubts.

It is my goal to provide you with a safe space for challenging emotions and beliefs to surface- but keep in mind, if at any stage you wish to stop - you can tell me. We will only go as far as you'd like to go in a session.

Lastly, strict confidentiality will be kept in our sessions. This is unless you, or someone else, is in immediate risk or harm.

30 Minute Clarity Call


Meet me, introduce yourself and see if we're a good fit

Embracing Shadows:
1x Somatic Inquiry Session


Best option for those needing intermittent emotional integration support on a case by case basis


Wholeness Unveiled:
4x Somatic Inquiry Sessions


Best option for those looking to establish themselves deeply in emotional integration

Wholeness Embodied:
8x Somatic Inquiry Sessions


Best option for those looking to establish themselves deeply in emotional integration with ongoing support

Before booking, please read my disclaimer to contextualize this work.


It is worth clarifying the nature of this work.

My goal as a facilitator is to aid you in identifying the beliefs/conditioning/perceptual overlays that contributes to your suffering and work with them directly in a loving and curious way.

This is spiritual counseling / emotion work consulting. Although, spirituality may not be relevant to you - and that's totally okay.

This is not psychotherapy, psychiatry or any sort of medical intervention.

If you seek resolve to psychiatric illness, I do not deem it within my skill set to address this - in which case professional help would kindly be better suited to you.

If you are feeling apprehension to work together due to any sort of psychological challenges or otherwise, this is totally natural. Please feel free to reach out through my contact form to see if we can clarify any concerns or doubts.

It is my goal to provide you with a safe space for challenging emotions and beliefs to surface- but keep in mind, if at any stage you wish to stop - you can tell me. We will only go as far as you'd like to go in a session.

Lastly, strict confidentiality will be kept in our sessions. This is unless you, or someone else, is in immediate risk or harm.

For those facing financial genuine difficulty, please reach out to me to discuss scholarship options.

(Some) Benefits of working with me

Unfreeze emotions and tightness into power and confidence.

Awaken to your True Nature

Finally resolve deep subconscious parts of the psyche that have eluded you for decades

Discover what it means to feel deeply at home within yourself

Learn in real-time that you have the capacity to feel all of your emotions, no matter the situation

Unlock the fearless, courageous heart that can engage in life fully

Become your own facilitator

Unlock the full spectrum of emotional expression

Leave behind hesitation and reclaim your birthright of intuitive spontaneity

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this sort of work for?

This work is for anyone who intuits that traditional methods of 'meditating your way to freedom' or 'talk therapy' aren't really accessing their deeper conditioning and their hearts for true, lasting results.

It's for those who want to empower themselves to take these tools into daily life for real-time, ongoing inquiry into their emotional blocks/contractions so that they can take control of their life again.

No matter what sort of emotional challenge you're facing, somatic inquiry accesses it all by using broad (and very specific 'drilling' inquiries), that accommodate any emotional contraction/resistance.

In this way, we can address things such as:

✔️ Social Anxiety

✔️ Generalized Anxiety

✔️ Sadness/moodiness/depression

✔️ Low Self-Esteem

✔️ Inability to express certain emotions (like anger)

✔️ Inability to speak your truth

✔️ Low motivation for work and pursuit of goals

✔️ People pleasing

✔️ Much, much more.. (really anything on the emotional spectrum).

That said, this is NOT psychotherapy, psychiatry or a medical intervention. If you have a diagnosed mental condition, this is NOT a substitute for professional help. In which case, I would kindly recommend pursing professional help.

What will we be doing in a session?

My focus will be on shadow work/emotional/trauma integration work while appreciating your truest nature.

For the most part, we will work with inquiry tools that access core programming and conditioning directly at the root level. This includes both somatic inquiry (those familiar with Kiloby Inquiries or Focusing would be familiar with this approach) and general self inquiry along with what is intuitively called for in the moment. I have a wealth of practice experience to address the moment dynamically.

You do not need a background in any specific tool or technique for sessions to take place. I will aim to meet you exactly where you're at and work directly from there. In fact, sometimes it's more effective to not have a huge practice history due to the unconditioned beginners mind.

Needless to say, you have all you need within you. My role is more like a friend walking with you into the parts you've been wanting to face, but haven't had the means to or awareness to confront - until now.

What is a good frequency for sessions?

For me, when I was in the thick of suffering amidst deep psycho-spiritual practice and what many would call 'the dark night of the soul' - I favoured 1 session per week with my first and second facilitators.

My trusted friend Michael Zaurov recommends bi-weekly sessions or monthly sessions for great results which I also agree with, and even checking in for a session even once every 3-4 months can be very powerful too (even for those more experienced in this work).

Again, even when we know how to self facilitate, it can be incredibly potent to have someone hold up a mirror to certain parts of ourselves we may be blind-sighted in seeing on our own.

This is something we can talk about in our first call - but fundamentally - trust yourself with a degree of humility and radical honesty for what you believe you need.

The first session is free. What will we be doing in it?

Our first session is about me me giving you my time to clarify any doubts you might have working together, and more importantly - discovering where you're at and what you're wanting to work on.

We can also do some inquiry in this period to give you an experiential taste of what you can expect when you work with me.

It's an opportunity for you to ask your hardest questions: Why do you feel qualified to facilitate, what's your practice history, why do you do this - anything you can think of! Don't hold back, and trust yourself.

I feel apprehensive/nervous to be facilitated. What should I do?

It's worth knowing that this is incredibly common.

In my experience, I remember being incredibly socially anxious and worried about what my facilitators would think of me. Would they reject me if they saw vulnerable parts of me? Would they think I'm less awake than what I think of myself? Would I be hopeless and unable to do the technique? What would happen if I lost control of my emotions during a session and they saw how broken I am?

I could go on and on.

Needless to say, the beautiful thing about the techniques we'll be using is that they are brilliantly designed to work with those EXACT emotions and beliefs as they come up. Absolutely everything is welcome when doing inquiry, without exception.

You can take a big sigh of relief to know that these emotions will pass - especially if you bravely acknowledge them in session and wish to work with them - and that you're not broken in any way.

If you still have concerns, please feel free to reach out to me via email to discuss them with me. I would love to hear you out. I know first hand how challenging it can be to take that step and accept 3rd party help - but I can adamantly say it was one of the best things I ever did for myself when I allowed myself to move through uncomfortable emotions and just go for it.


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Whether you have a burning question about practice, want to collaborate or just reach out - I’d love to hear from you. Just fill out the form and I’ll try to get back to you ASAP.

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