
I've worked with a growing body of clients (both male and female) in profoundly deep ways to integrate and release traumatic holding patterns. Here is some of the feedback I've received:


"Not only does he bring technical experience and practice but he also contextualizes all of it with the richness of his own personal experiences"

I am so happy to have had the opportunity to work with Sam. For me, I found he had the perfect balance between emotional integration of mind/body and observing from awareness. Sam’s ability to hold a wide open loving space, combined with his intuitive ability to zero in on, inquire and unearth painful stories held in the body make him a powerhouse facilitator. His genuine sweet and compassionate presence made me feel like I’ve known him for a long time! One can tell that his profound understanding of this work comes from his own lived experience which, in my opinion, makes him all the wiser because of his greater understanding of the work, as well as the importance of it, because he’s done the work himself and continues to evolve as a result of that. Not only does he bring technical experience and practice but he also contextualizes all of it with the richness of his own personal experiences. Sam exuded a loving and gentle presence, supporting me in navigating through tough and painful areas with ease, spaciousness, and compassion. I am immensely grateful for having found Sam on YouTube and then meeting and being facilitated by him. I feel he’s no doubt had an impression on me that will benefit me in every aspect and our paths will surely cross again. I love Sam! ❤️


"Your heartfelt wisdom, authentic and skillful approach is beyond measure"

After having twelve sessions together I can tell you that what you’re doing is a real treasure trove: your heartfelt wisdom, authentic and skilful approach is beyond measure. It’s helping me to understand better of my repertoire of cooping mechanisms as we’re going deeply into them one by one and also it’s a great help in being able to feel and express my vulnerable feelings, which has always been the hardest thing I dare to do.

You always encourage to listen to my own intuition and this gives rise to a real opportunity to nurture what’s true for me. I’m feeling that the whole process is softening the rigidity of my identifications even more, which leads to increase my capacity to be with difficult, challenging feelings, intense physical and energetic experiences of the body. My felt experience is that doing this deep shadow work is inevitably creating more regulation for my nervous system, so it feels easier to be wide open to whatever wants to come up, even if it’s hardcore resistance or the challenging feelings of a social encounter.

Your service and unwavering support are so precious and also your humbleness which is very rare, I noticed. 

I’m really appreciate your heartfelt commitment to do this work, your compassionate guidance and that you have a keen interest to help others to go even deeper on this journey. Thank you Sam!❤️


"I felt more relaxed, more open, and more loving towards myself after each session"

Before I started working with Sam, I had already had some experience with shadow work, meditation, and self-inquiry, but I was still feeling very stuck regarding social anxiety. No matter how much I tried to just love and accept the anxious feelings, there was very deep resistance to them. I was getting so tired of feeling this way. It seemed like it was impossible for me to change and it felt hopeless. I really felt like I needed help to heal this part of me, which I just didn't feel like I had the capacity to do on my own. After my first session with Sam, I was pleasantly surprised to feel so much lighter, like some weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. He was incredibly kind, gentle, and compassionate, so I truly felt safe to be honest about the beliefs and emotions that were coming up for me. Even when tears were coming and I felt embarrassed, it felt like I was being accepted exactly as I am. Sometimes shadow work can feel too intellectual, so I appreciated the emphasis Sam put on feeling the sensations in the body directly, rather than listening to the mind's interpretation of them. I felt more relaxed, more open, and more loving towards myself after each session. Thanks to Sam's skill as a facilitator, I’m learning to inquire into and feel whatever is coming up, and as a result, my social anxiety doesn't feel like it's much of a problem in daily life. I highly recommend working with Sam, especially if you are struggling with social anxiety or any other strong emotional issues on the path to awakening.


"Sam has a relaxed presence that makes you feel right at home as he guides you to delve deeper into your experience"

Previously, there was a sense that something was in the way and I just couldn't figure out what it was. I was strictly using meditation to look at this blockage, but when meeting with Sam, his inquiry was able to get me to look at what was being constricted in my body. The inquiry was accessible even out in daily life. After the third session, it was pretty clear the content of the situation weren't problems, but how the body reacted to beliefs and contracted gave that sense of something being wrong. Sam has a relaxed presence that makes you feel right at home as he guides you to delve deeper into your experience and is an easy recommendation from me! ❤️


"I felt safe and encouraged to bring light to my shadow parts"

While going through shadow work after the initial awakening,  the coping mechanism started to fail, in a way, I felt more anxious and helpless than ever in my life. I sensed the need to look into these emotions and the root cause, it was overwhelming to do it on my own. I met Sam through his YouTube channel and reached out to him.  He was present with compassion and non judgement  through the sessions. I felt safe and encouraged to bring light to my shadow part. Sam was present wholeheartedly and gentle. I had 8 sessions with him. It definitely helped so much to get through challenging  time of ongoing shadow work. At the end of the day, shadow/darkness isn’t that scary at all, it’s like little children needing to be hugged and loved. Thank you again Sam.❤️


"I thought I was broken, but the acceptance of all my shame started to show me I could heal"

I came to Sam because I was in a very confusing situation. After getting into spirituality and feeling how liberating life could be, I started experiencing very crippling social anxiety. I had been in therapy for 8 years, tried to meditate for one year, hell even went to Nepal to a monastery to try to calm things up. Still I felt things weren’t getting better. I had watched a few videos of Sam and decided to go for it. It was great from the beginning, he felt like a friend. I could feel there was space for me to share and that was a very rare experience for me. At that time I was starting uni and having to meet a lot of people, and after 2 sessions with Sam, I started to feel more relaxed and accepting of my emotions, even in a party there were some glimpses! I thought I was broken, but the acceptance of all my shame started to show me I could heal. He is a person that really knows what it is to be an anxious kid, and you’ll feel understood by him. I was also so grateful for the support in between sessions. I’m immensely grateful that I got to work with Sam. It was a gift, truly. Love you dude 🙂

(Edit from Sam: Love you too Jorge!)


"I was able to surrender myself completely to the process."

For me, this work with Sam has been very effective for the feelings, emotions, and triggers that ran my life, and for seeing them as they really are.

In my life, the biggest thing was anger. I'm so familiar with the pattern that I see it play out in my mind in real time, yet I have no control over it. No matter how often I tried to identify a pattern by looking back at the events that led up to anger, it just wasn't working. I would feel like I had no control over my emotions, which led to frustration, confusion, and a lot of unnecessary analyzing and thinking, which led to even more seeking.

One of the most important things I learned with Sam is that the surface emotion is often a cover for other emotions, such as sadness, fear, or vulnerability. This wasn't new to me, but the way I saw the different layers revealed themselves was truly enlightening. By exploring these underlying shadow emotions, I've clearly seen through them to what they really are: energetic patterns that were tied to a story.

This stuff is pretty difficult to talk about, as Sam is super good at bringing you back to the raw feeling and energy, and out of the mind and stories. What is left is your own intuition, which takes over. This is where the work gets done, and where Sam's uniqueness shines brightest. He possesses a keen sense of the right inquiry to use, and skillfully picks up on subtle energy shifts and adapts in real time based on what comes up (or doesn't come up). It honestly feels like he is picking up on and matching my emotions, and riding the energetic wave with me. I was able to surrender myself completely to the process.

Working with Sam has been a challenging but deeply rewarding process. I now know that underlying shadow emotions were driving surface emotions which led to a lot of my energy to seek. Seeing it all clearly, stripped of words, has helped cut through the personal identity I had tied to them.

Despite Sam's age, it is very clear that he has done the work himself. He is an awesome guy that is dedicated and passionate to helping others.

I highly recommend Sam.


"I've done shadow work independently and with other facilitators, yet Sam's approach worked best for me"

I highly recommend Sam for any shadow work facilitation on your spiritual path.

While working on non-dual spiritual work, some emotional material surfaced. I needed help with processing because the emotions were elusive. That's when I sought some shadow work help and found Sam. Sam helped me tune into and resolve the subtle blocks, resistance, and avoidance patterns obstructing me.

I've done shadow work independently and with other facilitators, yet Sam's approach worked best for me. Before

working with Sam, I used to get lost in the weeds of my own mind. Sam's process is precise and gentle, keeping you focused as you go deeper into your patterns.

Sam has a unique way of using his intuition and empathy to get you unstuck and move forward. That is invaluable!


"I felt completely safe to open up deep layers of the buried pain"

I went into investigation with Sam after self practices and inquiries and psychedelics experiences. My main issue was the sense of being unworthy which played out in different spheres of my life. We went into this program from different angles which helped to see how one fake belief might influence my whole life. After our sessions together, I’ve experienced more clarity and less judging thoughts, certain situations stopped triggering me at the same level, and our sessions helped me to see triggers for what they are and unravel them by myself. Sam’s approach is gentle and loving, I felt completely safe to open up deep layers of the buried pain, to cry and express unpleasant emotions.  After every session we had events and situations started to unravel super fast. New insights, connections and understanding of the future path came to me. I would highly recommend sessions with Sam as he is caring, understanding and professional facilitator.  Go for it if you really want to change your old behavior patterns and see new perspectives:) 


"In just a few sessions I completely re-owned myself and reclaimed my own power going from anxious to empowered"

Brother! I can't thank you enough for teaching me the Somatic Inquiry Process.. It has given the ability to connect directly to truth of any resistance in my body, intimately accept and dissolve the identity behind it. In just a few sessions I completely re-owned myself and reclaimed my own power going from anxious to empowered. It is truly a gift and I'm grateful you shared it with at a critical point of my path 🙏


"Sam has been like an angel sent directly from heaven for me, I love him from the bottom of my heart"

I came to Sam in an incredibly sorry state, I was completely dysfunctional, social anxiety chronically panicked, contracted, feeling like my insides were being twisted and contorted, just thinking about how it felt makes me uncomfortable my fight or flight senses were sky high 24/7 for the past 2 years, I slept 4 hours a night, I had no friends, no family support in fact they were quite ashamed and angry with me. I couldn't do my hobbies, I loved drawing and lifting weights, but the panic was so bad I couldn't do them either. It was a truly horrific time, I didn't like being alive, I hated everything, I was considering suicide as a very real option, I considered going to a euthanasia company in Europe. I really thought there was no hope. The spiritual path didn't help much either, in fact I used it to bypass deeply rooted trauma, it only amplified my desire to escape by letting the self die, but anyone else who's tricked this path knows you can't just do that. By sheer coincidence I found Sam hanging out in the comments section of every spiritual YouTuber I followed so out of curiosity I went on his profile and found out he offered consultations. The very first session I had with Sam was the most significant because for the first time in my life I broke down into tears in the presence of another person, even as a child I resisted the urge to cry in front of my parents, it was absolutely humiliating but I knew it was a step in the right direction. But also because it revealed an intense feeling of not wanting to be seen, wanting to hide behind a masculine persona. With Sam's guidance I was able to express fear, guilt, shame, anger, loneliness and sadness that had long been bottled  up. A particular episode of our journey I'd like to highlight was the first 4 sessions, I was always late, because I was trying to meditate away the anxiety, once I was 30 minutes late so didn't show up at all because I was shitting bricks about being called out for it, but almost like telepathy he sensed this fear in me and sent me a heart felt messaged and offered to continue the session, I took him up on it and we went deep into feelings of guilt and loneliness. Another one is when Sam told me he wouldn't be able to do more than one session a month since up to that point he was doing multiple sessions a week for free, I respectfully told him it was no problem, but the truth was I was deeply sorrowful, but I repressed it out of respect, later that night sadness turned into anger at Sam, I was projecting a deep feeling of abandonment that I had felt before with family and friends, I went into those feelings and what I experienced was no less than an exorcism. An evil spirit of repression that had haunted my entire life finally left my soul and that was the beginning of my freedom, I was able to be emotionally honest in an environment where emotions were chastised and repressed, I cried in front of my parents at random, with who I never spoke a word emotional honesty up to that point, they were in complete shock and horror but I didn't care I gave myself up in religious devotion to being honest. And it paid off incredibly. Today I've finally returned to a baseline of relaxation, I've returned to my hobbies of drawing, reading and bodybuilding. Even now I'm in dismay, I can't believe I'm not only still alive but enjoying life again, although there's work to be done I have no doubt that I can get through it. Sam has been like an angel sent directly from heaven for me, I love him from the bottom of my heart. Thankyou for everything Sam ❤️❤️❤️


We dove right in. Right away Sam helped me start to find compassion for my areas of resistance and doubt. Sam wants you to get results and you'll begin noticing things immediately. He's enthusiastic and empathetic and relatable. I feel like I'm in a safe place to freely explore feelings and sensations.


"When you do somatic inquiry the way Sam does it and you really go with what comes up, the truth gets kind of squeezed out of you"

Somatic Inquiry with Sam was really helpful for me. I came into it with recurring doubts towards the relationship with my girlfriend at the time who I had been together with for over 3 years. I had REALLY struggled with those doubts for a long time because I was actually in a healthy and "good" relationship, but at the same time my heart was not fully in it and I felt somehow held back, especially in my spiritual growth. At the time of my first session with Sam, I had kind of suppressed that feeling, but with Sams guidance, the feeling got pulled up again via body sensations. The thing is, when you do somatic inquiry the way Sam does it and you really go with what comes up, the truth gets kind of squeezed out of you and its hard to ignore it after it has surfaced. He emphasizes intuition a lot and helped me trust in that more and more. This way, I actually broke up with my girlfriend only a short time after the first session with Sam, and it was one of the most scary and radical things I have ever done. I am saying this to make it clear that the process of somatic inquiry can be very uncomfortable and only really works if you are willing to face your truth. Sam can not magically solve your problems or tell you what your truth is, but he can be a great guide to help you do that yourself. He will hold space for you, listen to you and ask you questions about your experience while you are observing your inner landscape of body sensations, thoughts and emotions. This may sound quite mundane, but for me it was very powerful and opened up some processes and experiences that would just not have been possible if I had done this on my own. Today, after three more sessions and about a month later, I still have some struggles and I am still processing the breakup, but I definitely feel more empowered to live my truth without compromises. I will no more just THINK about what I want and what I COULD do, but will instead try my best to actually take the risk and LIVE it, while trusting that this is the right way to happiness and freedom for me. If this way of life is something that you feel drawn to as well, then Sam is the man for you. 😉


With Sam's direct approach it was easy to access hidden feelings and beliefs which I didn't even know were sill affecting me. In the sessions he's been very present, reassuring and empathetic with me. Sam also gave me some helpful tips and new insights on how to deal with my emotions and I'm inspired now to feel more into my body and it's sensations. It was a unique and powerful experience.


Sam's comforting and patient approach was especially effective and really helpful for me. Sam has such a wide range of experience and paired with his dynamic approach to somatic inquiry is an excellent combination. He’s been really helpful for me and would recommend to anyone.


"What made Sam unique to me, was his patience, versatility, openness, and overall expertise and intuition in this field"

I came to Sam initially wanting to deal with awakening related shadow work issues, and I saw somatic inquiry as a great practice to deal with my emotional integration.

Previously, I hit a plateau gunning for spiritual enlightenment, but I realized I still had a lot of emotions in the way. Emotions that I repressed over the years.

What made Sam unique to me, was his patience, versatility, openness, and overall expertise and intuition in this field. I came in being completely ignorant to the actual benefits of somatic inquiry, and I did not realize just how much tuning into my body actually played a part in releasing a lot of my stored traumas. In hindsight, it makes perfect sense, but the technique, despite is simplicity, is perhaps amongst the most powerful thing any layman or serious practitioner can pick up. Couple that with Sam's intuitive sense of just knowing how to guide a session, and you get some serious shadow work progress on steroids.

One great session alone to me, is almost as good as doing hours upon hours of body-scanning meditation.

Overall, I would recommend Sam to almost anyone wanted to integrate their emotions, be it shame, guilt, hatred, etc. He sets the tone, intention, and space for everything to be allowed for a seamless yet powerful experience.

An overall excellent human being.

Ready to get started? I can't wait to meet you!

Facilitation Experience Rated 4.9/5 (based on 15 reviews)


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