Teachers & Books

A lovingly crafted list of only the most impactful, trusted teachers I've encountered on my path. These are people & resources I fully vouch for with all of my heart as being trustworthy and competent.


Angelo Dilullo

Angelo's impact on me:

Without a shred of doubt, Angelo has had the biggest influence on my path. He continues to unravel my identity and serve as a guide to knowing living truth to this day after I discovered him through ZdoggMD 2 years ago.

Angelo's clearly empty and radiant heart has shown me time and time again through personal messages, online content, retreats and through his interactions with others - that this whole awakening thing is possible for anyone. I have DEEP, DEEP gratitude for his work and would recommend him to anyone.

Angelo's Socials

Violet Synergy

Violet's impact on me:

Having worked with Violet for well over a year in 1:1 sessions regularly, her direct, compassionate, all embracing and beautifully quirky intuitive personality has influenced my investigation into the nature of self and equanimity dramatically.

She produces content on YouTube (a must watch if you're interested in awakening/non-duality ect) and has held space for me in my darkest moments of despair time and time again. I'm eternally grateful to Violet and would recommend her to anyone in a heartbeat.

Violet's Socials

Jeff Foster

Jeff's impact on me:

Having actually only stumbled across Jeff's work somewhat recently, I've been kicking myself for not coming across him earlier..

For me, his incredibly direct and rich awareness of all the pitfalls our mind throws us into has rocketed him very high on my list of recommended teachers.

Especially as it relates to Equanimity, I would highly recommend Jeff's work (especially his book 'The Deepest Acceptance') to anybody.

Jeff's Socials

Suzanne Chang

Suzanne's impact on me:

Suzanne carries an empty, heartful radiance that anyone with an intuitive affinity can immediately detect.

Her videos first appeared in my YouTube feed - which I initially ignored... until I didn't.

She speaks clearly with incredible relate-ability, facilitates others with tear jerking compassion and unconditional love and models radical authenticity for many on the path.

Suzanne's Socials

Michael Zaurov

Michael's impact on me:

At a very challenging time in my practice, I reached out to Michael seeking guidance on addressing trauma integration.

He walked me me right into the depths of shame, validation seeking, helplessness and rage - over and over again. And then wanted to keep going!

This man has become a good friend of mine, and I'm eternally grateful for his radiant compassion.

Michael's Socials

Joseph Goldstein

Joseph's impact on me:

Joseph Goldstein's knowledge of suttas (the Sattipatthana Sutta especially) and practical pointers into the nature of mind are extraordinarily rich.

He's recommended by many teachers (including my first facilitator, Abre Fournier) and has an absolute wealth of experience teaching.

I especially recommend his podcast, Insight Hour, for driving in the car to work ect if you wish to go deeper into a specific fixation or place of binding.

Joseph's Works

Scott Kiloby

Scott's impact on me:

Scott helped dispel the duality my mind was creating around avoiding emotional integration through his amazing system 'the Kiloby Inquiries'

His videos pointed me right to the source code of long-held trauma patterns in the body contributing to ongoing suffering, where I was then facilitated by Michael Zaurov to actualize his approach.

His ability to communicate practical means of 'healing' while still orienting people toward awakening really stood out to me in an ocean of spiritual bypassing.

Scott's Socials

Michael Taft

Michael's impact on me:

Michael Taft was the first teacher I turned to when I started to appreciate Awareness-based practices rather than Vipassana.

For almost a year, I sat daily listening to his guided meditations on YouTube and eventually took part in his course, Vast Sky Mind (a 3 month course on Non-Duality & Awareness practices) in 2022.

Michael is a funny, laid back kinda teacher who also has a heart of gold. I'd highly recommend at least one of his guided meditations to anyone.

Michael's Works

Christina Guimond

Chris's impact on me:

Chris is an Awakening facilitator who brings a wealth of understanding across multiple meditative traditions and practices.

She has been recognized by Angelo as a suitable awakening facilitator, has realized profound truths in her experience (liberation/anatta/no-self) and also helps people regulate their nervous system with her Trauma Release Exercise (TRE) certification.

Chris has also taught me TRE personally and is a wonderful, personable human. I highly, highly recommend her.

Chris's Socials

Thomas Hübl

Thomas's impact on me:

Thomas's work bridges mysticism with trauma work - an approach I deeply appreciate.

His work, especially in his book 'Attuned', shines a very important light on how we can heal trauma personally, inter-generationally and collectively as a species.

I highly recommend his work to anyone wanting to integrate Eastern pointers into daily life.

Thomas's Socials

Other Notable Teachers

Teachers that played an integral roll in this unfolding, but not as significant as the above.

John Yates/Culadasa

Worked with the TMI system for some time, amazing teacher with heartfelt pointers.

Daniel M Ingram

Stunning writings on awakening, pragmatic as all hell. Very much resonated earlier on.

Sam Harris

Powerful writings and talks, was an amazing teacher early on. Listened to Sam's book, Waking up, twice.


Love Adya's clarity - his teachings are among the best. Yet to click with his content fully though.

Josh Putnam (So Awake)

Josh's directness and clarity is just so good. Only just discovered him, but man is he awesome!

Dr. Gabor Mate

Amazing informer on trauma, weaving in some of the mystical. Love his books!

A Note on Teachers

I've learned that different teachers resonate with different people at different stages on different paths.

That said, if I were to pick one teacher to learn from as it relates to awakening and actualizing living truth in your life - I'd recommend Angelo Dilullo.

He's empty, radiant, loving, caring, selfless, understanding, meets you where you're at - and doesn't seem to carry an agenda other than unconditional love.

But ultimately, I've also learned that the absolute best teacher is life itself. Teachers point the moon, but can never give you the moon. Learn from teachers, then learn to let them go and not cling to them as your saviour. ⚔️


Angelo Dilullo Awake It's Your Turn

Angelo Dilullo

Awake: It's Your Turn

Angelo's book is a 1 stop shop for addressing all things related to awakening. It's my no. 1 recommendation. Don't mind the tacky cover 😉

Jeff Foster the deepest acceptance

Jeff Foster

The Deepest Acceptance

This book really helped me hone in into the realization of equanimity moment to moment, and realize I was never broken.

Gabor Mate the Myth of Normal

Gabor Matè

The Myth of Normal

This book paints a detailed picture of modern culture - it will certainly improve your emotional intelligence after reading.

The End of your world Adyashanti


The End of Your World

Adyashanti's famous book. Such a powerful read with 'advanced' pointers to terrain before & after awakening.

Mastering the core teachings of the buddha by Daniel M Ingram

Daniel M Ingram

Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha

A comprehensive, pragmatic as all hell guide on how to wake up with pointers at every turn.

The Three Pillars of Zen by Philip Kapleau

Philip Kapleau

The Three Pillars of Zen

This book was incredibly reassuring. Recommended by Angelo Dilullo, I loved reading the enlightenment stories of real householders.

The Science of Enlightenment by Shinzen Young

Shinzen Young

The Science of Enlightenment

This book illuminated to me many of the pitfalls people succumb to when waking up, with good pointers, too.

Seeing that free by rob Burbea

Rob Burbea

Seeing That Frees

A collection of Powerful inquiries, pointers and inquiries into the nature of self. Very hands on, which I love!

A Note on Books

Much the same as teachers, different books resonate for different people. These are some of the key ones that influenced me.

While all of these are great - you should read what feels relevant and attuned to where you're at. That said, if I were to pick 1 (actually, 2) to recommend anyone, it'd be: Angelo Dilullo's "Awake: It's your turn", and Jeff Foster's "The Deepest Acceptance".

When I read both of these books slowly, purposefully and with immense patience, true, meaningful shifts occurred.

If you don't apply what you read, you won't see results. And in fact, the more you read (if you read my story on the About page) the more it can confuse you in my experience.

Remember: more knowledge does not necessarily = freedom when it comes to waking up!!


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