
How to Transmute Emotions (Negative to Positive) – Tibetan Inquiry

How to Transmute Emotions:  From Negative to Positive.

I thought I'd share with you guys an immensely powerful Tibetan Inquiry technique that was taught to me by my highly realized meditation teacher.

We use this technique when the mind is so convoluted with an emotional storm that we are simply unable to bring clear comprehension and see its fabricated nature. 

Fabrication that techniques such as Vipashyana, Vipassnana or Dzogchen teach us.

In doing so, we discover our tranquil nature that is ALWAYS accessible within.

The technique itself operates almost like a more vivid form of psychotherapy (although it shouldn't replace psychotherapy if that's something you're doing - please don't get this twisted).

Perhaps that sounds woo woo and unrealistic, but my experience has shown me this to be true.

Thus why I shared it!

In my experience, I've found this particularly useful when dealing with difficult emotional waves of Anxiety.  You might find it useful for Anger, Depression, Angst - whatever emotional pattern frequently swamps you that you feel is too strong to deal with through other techniques.

I hope you find it useful friends.

Be well,


Download Free infographic summary of the technique

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