Awakening: Clarifying the Need For Life Purpose

Every so often I leave a YouTube comment that I feel others may benefit from.

I'm sharing one here now.

Following a video I posed addressing life purpose and how we shouldn't need neglect it (shown further below) someone asked:

Thank you for this. But isn’t living one’s purpose a natural result of dissolving blocking beliefs and letting repressed emotions come up? That’s definitely something Angelo is pointing to. But I get your point that in the non dual community one can easily get the sense that everything in form/thought is meaningless or even wrong.

To which I responded with:

I thought so, but for me the signature of full surrender to spontaneity (where everything is simply taken care of without effort) feels like it doesn't quite hit the mark - atleast how I interpret it currently. It's almost as if there is an energetic arrow that still wants to exert itself into the world despite a calm abiding in 'knowingness'. It's not so much a fundamental restlessness of needing to plug a hole to be fulfilled at our core, but a natural movement of energy that wants to engage with the relative world. That's what it feels like at this stage for me at this stage atleast. Maybe it's a similar energy that accompanies Angelo [Angello Dilullo from Simply Always Awake] in his making of videos? I don't know. But the question is - if that energy is present - why would we reject it/push it away? So long as we use clear seeing and subtle, samurai-like discernment to see where we're looking for completion and fulfillment as a red herring - why not just engage with the world and work with that energetic pull? Inquiry into what our current life purpose is may help massage that energy into clarity, while still keeping the perspective that it's really empty either way.

The Video

Thanks for reading! Be sure to drop a comment and let me know what you thought.

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