Sam Roff photo
Zen Symbol for Mu

Feel whole again through 1:1 somatic inquiry facilitation.

Make rapid progress integrating trauma. Access, love and release core-conditioning stored deep in the subconscious mind.


Watch a 1 minute Introductory video to my site.

Who Am I?

I’m an Australian who has primary interests in somatic based self inquiry (working directly with emotion held in the body), energy regulation practices & emotional integration at a source code level. I am also deeply passionate about Awakening, Zen, Nonduality, Self inquiry, and Vipassana meditation.

I care deeply about bringing profound meditation practices off the cushion and integrating them directly into the grittiness of daily life. In work, relationships and life at large.

I meet you where you're at and care deeply about empowering you in becoming your own best friend in daily life with practical tools that actually work in releasing long-held trauma patterns. Especially the ones that feel very sticky and held for a long time.

I also enjoy banger music (electronic with killer vocals especially), fishing, hiking, gaming, camping and creative expression.

1:1 Sessions

I am now opening up (with limited availability) 1:1 sessions for intuitive shadow work support with somatic inquiry.

Shadow work is essentially integration of all the parts of our psyche we have rejected in ourselves that creates untold amounts of suffering.

Based upon your needs, I will work with you to identify self limiting beliefs, integrate challenging emotions and awaken more deeply to your immediate experience in the 'now', empowering you with the tools to do this on your own in daily life.

I take an intuitive approach through the powerful framework of somatic inquiry, belief investigation and very direct investigation of how our mind creates unconscious resistance to experience, endeavoring to meet exactly where you’re at.

My Somatic Inquiry Approach

01. Do What Works

My approach is pragmatic and gentle. We will work directly with what is arising for you (either something that's been afflicting you for some time or in this very moment) and investigate with an open, curious mind as to how it's operating so that it can be loved into release.

02. Intuitive Facilitation from the Heart

I will strive with every pore of my being to meet you exactly where you're at and work from there. In this way, each session is dynamic. My focus is poured entirely into you with loving acceptance, where together we will strive to see the world through the lens of your trauma patterns without any of it being right or wrong.

03. Awakening

I like to work with those who are on the awakening path especially. Sometimes, we can fixate too heavily on emotional content. I believe in finding the middle way between integrating our emotional experience while remaining oriented to our true nature as the basis of this work.

04. Do What You're Comfortable With

You know your limits and what you're ready to delve into. I don't push you any further than what you're comfortable with and will honour your boundaries with the utmost care and respect.


“Your compassion, confidence, and intuition all stood out to me! Your guidance was right on target for me.”

Shadow Work & Awakening Resources


YouTube videos that serve as a pointer from someone who’s traversed many challenging obstacles on the path.


A place where I share key insights, learnings and nuance pointers as it relates to emotional integration & waking up in daily life.

Teachers & Books

Trusted Teachers, Books & Resources that have had the biggest impact for me on the path for real, tangible results.


Get In Touch

Whether you have a burning question about practice, want to collaborate or just reach out - I’d love to hear from you. Just fill out the form and I’ll try to get back to you ASAP.

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